Mini Countryman SE ALL4 (2024) - AZH-CARS

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Mini Countryman SE ALL4 (2024)

Higher, longer, Smaller than usual - with six extra centimeters in level and thirteen centimeters long, the new Little Comrade has become observably contrasted with its ancestor. With more extensive wheel curves, trademark moxy and a cutting edge moderate plan with obviously planned surfaces, the vehicle currently has an essentially improved presence.
In the inside, the hearty Little swashbuckler offers considerably more space, solace and wellbeing - Even off in an unexpected direction because of all-wheel drive. The new Small scale Experience Modes and extended driving right hand situation including the voice-controlled Little Canny Individual Collaborator make journeys in the new Small Compatriot significantly more agreeable and engaging. The all-electric drivetrain adds to this as well, further upgrading the brand's trademark driving fun with two degrees of force yield. As the primary Little made in Germany, the model likewise kicks off something new concerning creation.
The 4,433 mm long, 1,843 mm wide and 1,656 mm high Smaller than normal Kinsman is both a sharp all-rounder and a roomy regular buddy. On account of the wheelbase, which has been expanded to 2,692 mm, solace has been additionally expanded. The all-electric Smaller than normal Compatriot is accessible in two execution levels: As a Little Comrade E with a result of 150 kW/204 hp and a force of 250 Nm, it has a scope of 462 km. The Smaller than normal Compatriot SE ALL4 with 230 kW/313 hp and 494 Nm has accomplished a wide of 433 km.
In its electric third era, the biggest model in the new Smaller than usual family, proceeds with the brand's excursion into a period of locally discharge free electric versatility. The reduced hybrid model has been on course for progress since its market send off in 2010, with five entryways and - new for Little at that point - multiple meters long. No big surprise: all things considered, the discretionary all-wheel drive of this effectively mechanized swashbuckler guarantees protected and unrestrained driving tomfoolery - even off in an unexpected direction.
"With the all-electric Small scale Kinsman, the biggest model in the new Little vehicle family brings the brand into a period of locally outflow free electric versatility. The main Small to be fabricated in Germany additionally offers the most noteworthy conceivable degree of natural similarity underway. Its flexibility and strong electric drive make it the ideal buddy in the city as well with respect to undertakings past," says Stefanie Wurst, Head of Small.

The new Smaller than usual plan language: Alluring Straightforwardness
The plan of the new Smaller than normal model age is current, computerized and unquestionable. With the new Small scale family, the brand takes driving tomfoolery, the client experience and a capable disposition forward into another period. This extensive change while heading to turning into an all-electric brand by 2030 is reflected in the genuine plan of the new models, consolidating moderate innovation with the rudimentary standards of the brand's body plan and beginnings. In doing as such, it consolidates the metropolitan person of Scaled down alongside the sheer delight of development.
"The new Scaled down Comrade is our vehicle for the entire family. In its most recent age, it has not just filled in level, length and inside - it has additionally perceptibly worked on in character, appearance and experience. It is currently much more present, more extensive and more steady. His presence on the front is reflected in the upstanding extents and vertical direction of the plan language. Its strong and stable person is additionally promptly conspicuous by the more particular radiator grille, unmistakable headlights and its extremely sculptural cap," says Oliver Heilmer, Head of Smaller than normal Plan.
The outside plan: expressive moderation with character
With its upstanding and moderate outline, the new Smaller than usual Compatriot typifies the brave pizazz, flexibility and unwavering quality of a minimal hybrid vehicle. The vehicle's expressive rough terrain character is characterized by average Smaller than expected extents, guaranteeing the new Little Kinsman has high acknowledgment esteem. Short shades, a short cap and the standing out lengthy wheelbase from huge wheels consolidate exemplary Smaller than usual plan highlights with a physically developed body.
Also, the new plan of the Smaller than usual Comrade embraces further developed streamlined features to accomplish harmless to the ecosystem utilization figures in light of this part of the vehicle too. The outcome is a great compact disc worth of 0.26 for the all-electric Smaller than usual Kinsman - contrasted with 0.31 in the ancestor model. Thusly, the cutting edge Smaller than expected hybrid model accomplishes another ideal in correlation with its rivals, embracing cunning vehicle plan with a negligible impression.
The advanced outside plan is upheld by obvious surfaces, a marginally bended rooftop with a consistent progress to the recently planned C-support point in a trim-explicit shape, and the trademark circumferential Dark Band. The unmistakable C-support point component makes a new, exceptionally noticeable stage for separating between various models, hardware choices and resulting versions. The plan relies upon the chose hardware and accordingly separates between the gear variations. Designs and lettering are moderate, mix amicably with the bas-help and furthermore match the shade of the chose differentiating rooftop.
Decrease to the basics brings about trademark Scaled down plan elements, for example, the visual three-section division in vehicle body, a circumferential window region and a differentiating rooftop having a considerably more prominent effect, permitting the new plan language to foster a strong presence.
Small scale Drove headlights with Mark Modes: striking brilliance because of individual light modes
The front finish of the all-electric Smaller than usual Comrade is characterized by the expressive shape of the new octagonal front grille. An especially little radar sensor is coordinated flush into supporting the expanded usefulness of the driver colleague systems surface.
In the new model age, the Smaller than normal Kinsman is the principal vehicle with Level 2 help frameworks that empower semi-computerized driving. Certain plan subtleties in the vehicle front differ contingent upon the picked trim level. For instance, the Inclined toward Trim puts the focus on the new Dynamic Silver intonation tone for outside details.The daytime running light components of theLED lights support this hitting look with new brilliance because of interesting light marks. Alternatively, the daytime running light components can be changed to make three light marks toward the front and back Drove lights, accordingly building up the particular person of every vehicle. Moreover, all light modes start and end with an exceptionally coordinated gladly received and farewell movement. This cooperation with the vehicle expands the expectation of the Small scale even before you set off.
Idealist plan for a strong presence and expanded powerful execution
Similarly as with the body plan all in all, the front headlights are not outlined with chrome components any longer, which brings about the front segment having an engaged articulation. Along with the rigidly bended hood, the marginally more extensive track and the raised body, the most adaptable Little radiates prevalent power.
Seen from the side, the new Smaller than usual Comrade has a moderate appearance with a strong presence. The circumferential Dark Band is smaller than on the ancestor. The particular plan of the C-support point upholds the roofline at the back of the vehicle while simultaneously causing it to seem more limited. This makes the whole vehicle body look more upstanding, accentuating the personality of the new Scaled down Comrade. Edges of up to 20 crawls in different plans add to the hearty appearance. The spotlight is considerably more on the body tone creating a rich appearance.
Because of the new Smaller than normal tasteful, the back segment has a particularly reliable appearance with its reasonable surfaces and flush back lights. Here, the upward light group statements the exemplary Small lights and approaches the enormous focal segment of the vehicle's back. This underlines the more extensive position of the new Small Kinsman while simultaneously giving the body an especially excellent and upstanding appearance. Similarly as with the front headlights, the back lights are additionally ready to feature specific vehicle qualities through various modes. The articulated shoulder area supports the strong appearance of the new Scaled down Comrade. The back tightens underneath the model engraving, outwardly isolating the back into two segments. The back cover in the lower region underlines the strong position of the vehicle, while the liberal surfaces in the upper region make the vehicle look lighter.With Energetic Silver, another shade grows the Smaller than usual Compatriot's scope of trademark differentiating rooftops. Likewise, the model is accessible in four distinct trims. The Fundamental Trim presents most extreme clearness and a diminished generally speaking appearance, featuring specific practical parts like the logo in the new variety Lively Silver. The new scope of outer paint completes underlines the advancement of the new Little globe-trotter, setting positive emphases with splendid tones like Indigo Dusk Blue.
While the Exemplary Trim essentially applies to the inside, the Inclined toward Trim elements especially expressive subtleties on the outside. This trim variation, for instance, offers on the new Smaller than normal Comrade the choice of picking the new Dynamic Silver shade for the rooftop matching the differentiating front grille.
In the mean time the John Cooper Works (JCW) Trim loans most extreme accentuation to the lively energy of the Small Comrade with a particular front and back plan. The front grille edge and logo in shiny dark stress the vehicle's strong generally impression along with the trim-explicit hood stripes in red and dark. A differentiating rooftop in Bean stew Red - roused by engine sports - alongside the striking C-support point in a similar variety and a JCW logo alternatively underscores to the trademark Smaller than expected driving elements.
The inside: liberal, computerized, vivid and warm
The dashboard in the new Small scale Comrade works completely without an extra showcase behind the controlling wheel: everything pertinent substance is projected onto the discretionary head-up show. This decrease to the basics opens up the view to the front, forming the extensive inside with astutely planned, top notch parts.
Like the new Small Cooper, the roomy, bended dashboard in Work of art, Leaned toward and JCW trim is additionally made of material surfaces interestingly. The new, simple happy go lucky environment in the Little Compatriot is characterized by warm, lovely materials. A uniquely evolved weaving process is utilized to make the flexible, simple consideration construction of the material in two-variety configuration made of reused polyester. The whole inside is partitioned into an upper and lower segment along a level line underneath the new round instrument. Over this, all plan components, for example, the air vents and entryway handles are upward adjusted, stressing the personality of the vehicle, likewise in the inside.
Clear shapes in the cockpit and the expanded space in the front seats give the inside a cutting edge, breezy feel. The driver and front traveler appreciate essentially improved solace in the new Smaller than normal Compatriot, with right around three centimeters of extra width in the shoulder and elbow region. The shoulder width of the back seats has likewise been expanded by 2.5 centimeters.
The discretionary all encompassing glass rooftop makes the inside especially splendid and cordial, with a front half which can be opened. The game seats are accessible in an essential variant and in a JCW form as well similarly as with a discretionary electric seat change with memory capability. Alternatively, the back rub capability can give extra unwinding. Between the front seats, the wide, flexible focal armrest upgrades the seating solace.

The back of the vehicle offers greatest decrease and space. The place of the back line of seats can be changed long by up to 13 centimeters. This gives either profoundly agreeable legroom at the back or extra volume in the baggage compartment.
The backrest of the three back seats is additionally exclusively customizable in six situations by up to 12 degrees. This implies that the seat either offers the choice to recline or probably upholds an upstanding sitting stance. With the back seat collapsed down, even cumbersome things can be effortlessly shipped in the 460-liter to 1,450-liter baggage compartment. An extra floor compartment gives advantageous space to the charging adornments of the all-electric Little Comrade. The alternatively accessible trailer hitch offers an extra in addition to in common sense. The trailer hitch can be electrically withdrawn and broadened. The towing limit ultimately depends on 1,200 kg.
Smaller than usual Communication Unit: High-goal OLED show brings a quantum jump into the computerized age
The focal OLED show sets another benchmark with its high goal and, interestingly, its round shape. The middle symbol is the characterizing component of the inside, expanding the exemplary round instrument of the ancestor model with the expansion of a totally new feel and flexible capabilities. As an instrument group, the Little Connection Unit is a focal point of both experience and solace. On account of the Scaled down Working Framework 9, all vehicle capabilities can be worked instinctively through touch or voice. In the updated cockpit, the showcase is drawn nearer to both front seats and is especially simple to reach. The width of the slim touch show with a top notch glass edge and a breadth of 240 mm is suggestive of the typical cell phone principles in its working rationale.
The realistic show of the substance is present day and spotlights on the fundamentals. The upper region contains significant vehicle-related data like speed and battery status. At the point when the speed marker is squeezed, an enormous, hitting show with full-screen speedometer creates the impression that puts an unmistakable spotlight on driving. In the Home menu, different gadgets are shown in thumbnail view to the left and right of the ongoing menu capability. They can be raised and chosen by swiping on a level plane to the middle. In the lower region of the OLED show, the menu things Route, Media, Telephone and Environment can be chosen straightforwardly whenever. Any remaining capabilities can be gotten to by means of the menu similarly as on a cell phone. The showcase gets back to the default setting by means of the home button.
Close to home Scaled down Experience Modes: for vivid driving encounters
The discretionary Small Experience Modes broaden the indoor experience utilizing a projector unit behind the round instrument. The dashboard accordingly sparkles in various examples and tones with extraordinary light designs, contingent upon the decision of involvement mode. The shades of the surrounding lighting all through the vehicle depend on the projected light examples. In blend with the recently made Smaller than normal Driving Sounds on the all-electric Little Comrade and explicit realistic components on the OLED show, Scaled down fans can encounter the whole inside of the new Smaller than usual Compatriot in a totally new manner.
The vivid client experience adds completely new customisation choices to the new Smaller than normal Kinsman. In Private Mode, for instance, an exclusively chosen picture can be set as the showcase foundation through the Little Application. A computerized variety picker then distinguishes the predominant shades of the picture for projection onto the material dashboard surfaces. The surrounding lighting under the dashboard and in the entryway reflect is likewise variety coded to match these projections.
Extraordinarily planned powerful foundations give the various Scaled down Experience Modes an especially dynamic look. Inconspicuous light developments support the different choices of the modes without diverting the driver. Every mode makes a "Mode Application" the focal point of the showcase that matches the climate. In Go-Kart Mode there is an exceptionally powerful spotlight on Scaled down dashing DNA, for instance. The showcase and the inside overall then include the tones anthracite and red, while explicit simple presentations for driving elements supplement this Scaled down Experience Mode enlivened by John Cooper Works. In Distinctive Mode, the encompassing lighting depends on the shades of the collection front of the ongoing music playback. Center Mode, Green Mode, Ageless Mode, Equilibrium Mode and Individual Mode are additionally accessible for determination as per state of mind and individual requirements. Trail mode, which centers around the driver's craving to find, is novel for the Smaller than usual Kinsman.
The updated switch bar. basically regular Small scale
Under the dashboard, the plan of the new Scaled down Compatriot is especially clean apparently and saturated with history. The plan of the recently arranged flip bar statements the different capabilities with five independently planned flip switches. This makes the main driving capabilities (stopping brake, gear selector, begin/stop key, experience mode switch, volume control) straightforwardly open. Simultaneously it dispenses with the stuff selector in the mid control area creating space for useful and extensive capacity choices.
Notwithstanding the expanded cup holders, this likewise incorporates a new, liberal capacity region underneath the switch bar. The last option gives space to cell phones to be stashed at a simple to-track down area and remotely charged simultaneously. Beginning with the "Leaned toward Trim", a capacity box with a matching weave cover is likewise accessible as standard.The new, present day tone and material idea is additionally intentionally kept moderate. Just recently grown, great and harmless to the ecosystem materials are utilized. Reused polyester surfaces as a top notch 2D weave cover the dashboard and the inside of the entryway. Their two-tone configuration adds particular accents, making a charming climate in the inside. Four recently planned manages convey varying variants of the cutting edge feel-great idea in the inside.
The Fundamental Trim elements an inside of most extreme lucidity and decrease. Dark games seats with particularly designed multitone material blend with a hued material band on the dashboard. Certain utilitarian parts within and outside are featured with the new emphasize variety Energetic Silver. On the outside, for instance, the logo shows up in the new variety conceal, standing out strongly from the polished dark, octagonal front grille.
Beginning with the Exemplary Trim, the two-talked essential controlling wheel is supplanted as a three-talked variant with another material lash in the six o'clock talked. Furthermore, Little purposes a cutting edge 2D weaved material in the inside of a creation vehicle interestingly. On the dashboard and entryways, two-tone beat up sewed material gives an interesting difference to the excellent engineered calfskin seat. The last option is accessible in dark and dark highlighting a punctured houndstooth design, while the side differentiations in blue material.
The contemporary, great Inclined toward Trim is the most expressive variation. The rich Dull Petroleum finish reaches out from the dashboard to the entryway boards, where it combines flawlessly with brown weaved material. Luxurious games seats with customary highlight sewing and weaved Little logo are accessible in three tones. The punctured manufactured calfskin made of Vescin sets dull or light accents with an especially top notch look, as per inclination. The outside with the front grille in Energetic Silver can be consolidated in an especially well-suited manner with the total new rooftop, likewise in the variety Dynamic Silver.
The JCW Trim offers a translation of the new material idea that loans most extreme accentuation to lively energy. The JCW seat with sports seat calculation and extra sidelong help discernibly improves solace. Joined with multi-shaded sewed material and dark manufactured calfskin with red sewing, the variety idea repeats the plan of the dashboard and entryway trim. An unmistakable front and back plan similarly features the dashing DNA of the trim in the outside, with the vehicle grille and logo in shiny dark underlining the strong by and large impression. Discretionary highlights incorporate a differentiating Stew Red rooftop and JCW-explicit hood stripes in red or dark.
"Hello Small scale!": the principal Little Insightful Individual Aide
In the new Small scale Kinsman, various capabilities can be controlled utilizing the brand's very first completely fledged voice aide. The Smaller than usual Wise Individual Partner can be actuated with the hello "Hello Little" or by utilizing the press to-talk directing wheel button. Voice-controlled cooperation happens on the round OLED show as a movement of realistic components, typography and a symbol. For the perception, clients have the choice to pick between "Smaller than usual" - a stylised portrayal of a Scaled down - or alternatively "Spike" currently natural to numerous Little fans. Correspondence with this virtual sidekick is especially consistent with life because of further developed voice acknowledgment. To guarantee smoother correspondence, oral expressions are sent quickly and pictured on the presentation. Along these lines, it is feasible to control route, communication, amusement and various other vehicle capabilities by essentially talking the significant order.
Throughout the exchange with the driver, the Smaller than normal Astute Individual Aide persistently learns and can require on everyday errands on rehashed courses. In view of geo-based information, for instance, the vehicle can figure out how to naturally open the window while entering a vehicle leave, consequently making everyday schedules more helpful and individual.
High level help frameworks: loosened up driving with further developed security
Notwithstanding the natural Programmed Dynamic Voyage Control, the Directing and Path Right hand upholds parallel direction as a feature of the discretionary Driving Collaborator In addition to bundle. Advantageous and agreeable guiding assists the driver with keeping focused. The expanded solace presented by the framework consolidates agreeable, loose and predominant control of the vehicle while letting the driver free from the tedious and less requesting parts of driving. The obvious plan of the showcases, working components and straightforward useful elements bring about a serious level of framework security.
The complete Driving Colleague Proficient choice bundle incorporates another capability that assists the driver with taking the right exit in view of semi-mechanized Level 2 driving. Utilizing the vehicle sensors and other help frameworks, the aide recognizes holes in the rush hour gridlock essential for the path change towards the exit and guarantees the vehicle is going at the ideal speed for the helped path change.
Interestingly, the Smaller than normal Kinsman additionally offers semi-computerized driving on motorway-like courses at paces of up to 60 km/h. Up to this speed, the driver can take their hands off the directing wheel giving they keep on following the traffic intently. The driver should be prepared to guide and brake consistently effectively. This capability expands on the other driver help frameworks, taking over both longitudinal and horizontal direction inside the flow path.
All choices presented by the high level driver partner frameworks are envisioned progressively through Helped View in the OLED show. The way that the control ideas given by the Driving Colleague Frameworks are clear to follow makes the new frameworks simpler to utilize.
As standard, another Trailer Colleague helps while moving into a parking spot with a trailer and offers counsel on the necessary guiding wheel point while switching. Notwithstanding programmed stopping capabilities and the 360-degree Stopping Perspective, the new Small Compatriot can recognize conceivable parking spots all the more obviously on account of 12 ultrasonic sensors and four Encompass View cameras, and it can likewise autonomously start space-confined stopping systems. As a feature of the discretionary Leaving Partner Proficient, the vehicle can be moved out of a parking spot through cell phone utilizing the new Remote Leaving capability. In the event that there is lacking room along the edge of the vehicle, the Small Kinsman utilizes this capability to drive out of the parking spot without anyone else, making it simpler for the driver to get in.
The new Little Working Framework 9: current network for advanced accommodation
The new "Charming Straightforwardness" plan language is likewise reflected in the stylish of the UI, which unites useful and close to home components. The decreased plan utilizes all-new illustrations to make a very current look. Static and dynamic components mix normally into the round type of the OLED show, following an unmistakable construction. Miniature activitys improve the all around very natural connection between the driver and focal instrument and highlight the computerized character of the new Little family.
Little Working Framework 9 is an in-house advancement by the BMW Gathering and depends on an Android Open Source Venture (AOSP) programming stack. Activity is natural and keeps the guidelines recognizable from purchaser hardware.
At the focal point of the screen is the beginning menu, where customized content can be chosen and sent off by swiping aside. In the lower part of the screen is the decent status bar containing the menu things "Route", "Media", "Communication", "All Applications" and, contingent upon the circumstance, "Home", which can be chosen straightforwardly. Swiping up from the lower edge of the screen uncovers a utility belt, a cycle clients will be know all about from numerous purchaser hardware gadgets. Most loved capabilities can be stockpiled and called up again quickly, I. e. route objections and radio broadcasts. The utility belt can likewise be actuated by means of the star button on the multifunction guiding wheel. The upper screen region is held for driving-pertinent substance, for example, the vehicle speed and significant data on the vehicle status. The discretionary Head-up show shows the main data for the driver in their field of view.
The temperature for the driver and front traveler is for all time showed on the left-and right-hand edge of the screen. The environment control settings are coordinated into the Smaller than expected Cooperation Unit and can continuously be changed on the top layer by contact or voice order.
Contingent upon the Experience Mode chose, a solitary tap on the speed show changes the whole Little Collaboration Unit into a Smaller than normal common speedometer.
"The new Little Working Framework 9 is portrayed by basic, profound touch activity that is intended for Smaller than normal. Along with the new cloud-based Smaller than expected Route for especially exact and quick course estimation, high velocity network and discretionary 5G capacity, the new Scaled down Comrade brings a goliath jump into the computerized world, consequently underlining the brand's magnetic legacy," says Stefanie Wurst, Head of Little.
While driving, the whole Little route bundle related to the discretionary Small Associated Bundle offers help through reasonable 3D representations in confounded turning circumstances, show of the ongoing traffic circumstance even without actuated course direction, data on stopping choices including computerized installment choices, and significantly more. Furthermore, a discretionary expanded reality capability is accessible for picturing turning guidelines. For the all-electric Scaled down Compatriot, a charge-upgraded course can be determined following the objective has been placed.